martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Fanfiction nuevo ^^

Tenemos un nuevo fanfiction para leer, claro para los que dominan el ingles^^

Este fue hecho por el que maneja el livejournal de HxB 
Disfrutenlo :)

[Fanfic] Once an Idiot, Always an Idiot (Ayana/Jun)


Title: Once an Idiot, Always an Idiot
Pairing: Jun Kuga/Ayana Mudou
Prompt: Hayate X Blade, Kuga Jun/Mudou Ayana - The talented hawk hides its claws @ [info]yuri_challenge's February Round 09: Proverbs
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Violence, femslash, and humor.
Word Count: 1,713
Summary: Jun knows Ayana is just playing hard to get.
A/N: I think I failed somewhat at using the proverb's meaning but I tried to come as close as I possibly could. ._. I hope this is good, but I'm really not sure. Also, this fic ignores a similar attempt of keeping Ayana company in bed seen in volume three of the manga (though honestly, I forgot about it until after I wrote the scene). *whistles*

Este es el primero que escribe y si van a comenta, sean amables

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